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  • Tags: Oral History

"The Friary is a townland on Killymard ([Cill O mBárd]) side of Lough Eske. It was here the Friars settled when banished from Donegal and ministered to the spiritual wants of the neigh-bouring districts.

There is now no sign of a church or…

"There is a good deal of land [in the disctrict of Cullion] which is mountainous and some good land for the potato crop. There is a small wood growing in it. There is one river and a lake in the mountainous part. The river is the Termon river which…

"Now let me at my old antagonist Oral tradition: The chair of Davog lies in the townland of Suidhe Dhabheog (Seeavoge) where in the living rock some impressions of elbows &c are strewn. Davog was a woman, who came to make the turas but she died…

"Though my letters are wild as the mountains in which they were written, still do I feel myself very sober in thought, and exceedingly (excessive) in love with truth even to the prejudice of all national feelings…"

A debate over the reliability of oral history, in which O'Donovan cites the heterogeneity of County Donegal local stories

"Ninety-three people were then crowded into an old and leaky boat, despite their protests. The fact that the boatmen were drunk made the passengers still more uneasy..."

"As a boat was being loaded with passengers at eleven o'clock, an elderly man arrived at the shore and urgently signalled to his son to come away with him..."

"Long ago the people used to send their horses to the mountain for the summer months.

One day a man was going to the mountain for his horse as he required him to do some work at home.

When he went up to the mountain he saw all the horses…