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  • Tags: drowning

"Being far from the ocean when the stormy wind rose..."

"About twenty of the victims were buried on Friars' Island, where fir-trees on a mound show their grave to-day..."

"Ninety-three people were then crowded into an old and leaky boat, despite their protests. The fact that the boatmen were drunk made the passengers still more uneasy..."

"As a boat was being loaded with passengers at eleven o'clock, an elderly man arrived at the shore and urgently signalled to his son to come away with him..."

"The end of the eighteenth-century history of Lough Derg is sadly remembered because of a particularly bad boating accident..."

"Friars' Island is unmistakable, because it is the nearest to the ferry. Unfortunately, the origin of its name is unknown..."

"Very few stories are told of mermaids in this district as it is too far from the sea. The mermaid or 'maigdean mara' is very attractive. Once upon a time a glan man who made a station in Lough Derg returned home by Bundoran. He spent a few hours…

"But the most lamentable catastrophe of all happened here in 1795 — a catastrophe which for many years cast a gloom over the place..."