Browse Items (2 total) Browse All Browse by Tag Search Items Browse Map Tags: persecution Sort by: Title Creator Date Added "On prizing up a few loose stones, one exposes heaps of enormous bluebell bulbs, white and skull-like in shape" The rampant flora overgrowing Saints' Island Tags: Alice Curtayne, analogy, Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), Catholicism, colour, cultural trauma, destruction of built heritage, ferns, flora, flower, monastery, nettles, overgrown, persecution, reflection, Reformation, ruins, seventeenth century, twentieth century, weeds "Tradition, when jealously guarded and carefully handed down is a reliable source of information" "With the destruction of the buildings in Lough Derg and the expulsion of the Franciscans in 1632, all the records of its glorious part were also destroyed..." Tags: 1632, Alice Curtayne, apologetics, Catholic Church, Catholicism, cultural memory, destruction, destruction of built heritage, Folklore, Franciscans, local history, loss, Oral History, persecution, renewal, seventeenth century, suppression, tradition, twentieth century, written records Output Formats atom, dc-rdf, dcmes-xml, json, mobile-json, omeka-xml, rss2