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  • Tags: High Cross

"There is a circular fence of earth on top of a hill in the school district. It is known as Rathnacross and is situated in the townland of Drumawark.

There is a hole in the middle of it where a Celtic cross stood but it is broken now and the…

A description of the pilgrim road from Rathnacross to Saints Island.

Rathnacross (DG105-002001-), a circular area enclosed by a stone and earthen bank c. 0.5m high. A gap in the NE sector affords the only possible site for an entrance. There is a semicircular hollow (2.5m in diam. and 0.8m deep) in the SE quadrant…

Marked on the 2nd edition of the OS 6-inch map as a 'church in ruins', there is now no trace of the church above ground. In the surrounding graveyard (DG105-003003-), there are several grass-grown mounds. O'Connor (1879, 17) says that the church was…